Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Poor Mans PC Maintenance

So you read the last post but still don’t want to spend any money on a performance boosting software? If your still using XP (and I hope you are) Try this very simple (and free) maintenance routine.

Before you start any of your software applications (like Word or Excel) find your system TEMP file folder. Typically its C:\TEMP or may be C:\WINDOWS\TEMP. Using windows file manger look inside that directory and delete any files that are in there. Cleaning the temp file folder up from time to times can help stabilize your system and sometimes even increase it performance.

Why? This is a temporary file area - a scratch area if you will for application to drop temp files into while they re operating. Many programs are like many like are like kids that haven't cleaned up there rooms in awhile and need to be looked after from time to time to make sure all is well.

If you run a small business and don’t have time for any of this, check out
JCS's Small Business Services and we can help to take care of this for you. Need more information on computer performance? Feel free to contact us at info@jcservicesllc.com